Wednesday, March 21, 2012

4 months!

Sawyer turned 4 months old yesterday!! I'm a day late posting because I wanted to include his stats from today's check-up with Dr. B. I took his 4 month pictures last night after his bath, he was so sleepy though & I wasn't able to get much out of him. Ha!
Weight: 13.06 pounds
Height: 24 inches
Head Circumference: 16 inches
All about my big sweet boy this month....
-Still size 1 diapers
-You mostly wear 3 month old clothes, some 0-3 still fit but you can also wear 3-6 month too
-You are eating 8 oz of formula every 4 hours
-We started feeding you rice cereal about every other day. You do really well now eating from a spoon. We are SO EXCITED about starting some fruits & veggies! Daddy bought you some bananas to try first, we are going to make your food with our Baby Bullet :)
-You have not been a very good napper. You take maybe 3 naps that last 45min-1 hour
-You are still sleeping all night long, waking around 5am to eat, then back to sleep until 7am when I take you to Nana's for the day.
-DROOL. All the time.
-You still try to cram every single finger into your mouth. You gag yourself most times.
-You can roll from your tummy to your back, but you don't do it consistently. You are not a big fan of tummy time!
-Your hair is getting longer & blonder. PRECIOUS!
-You still LOVE bath time.
-You have excellent head control & you really like to stand up & put weight on your legs. We are looking for a fun exersaucer/walker for you.
-We have all adjusted well to mommy going back to work. You love your Nana a whole lot & I know she just loves keeping you!
-You are holding on to your toys good & putting them straight to your mouth of course!
-You are talking so much!! It is pretty much the cutest thing ever to hear you cooing and laughing.
-Since birth, you have always made the cutest facial expressions, now that you've found your voice to go with it its even cuter!
-You like to bury your face or "root" when you're sleepy. You love your lovie!
-You don't suck on a paci really unless you're trying to fall asleep.
- You are still sleeping in your pack-n-play next to my bed....I don't know if I'll ever be ready to move you to your crib...
-You love music & watching the TV.

Sawyer boy, I say this every time, but I can't believe you are another month older! You are just growing & changing everyday & we love every minute of it! You are such a good, sweet baby! We are so lucky to be your parents. We love you sooooo much baby boy!!!

xoxo - the Barnett's

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