Friday, August 30, 2013

Swimming Lessons

We took SB to swimming lessons the last week of July. Swimming lessons did not go super great. The instructor was wonderful, but Sawyer, in typical toddler boy fashion, was not a great listener & wanted to do what HE wanted when HE wanted. The instructor taught the kiddos how to blow bubbles, kicks & arm strokes, how to properly enter & exit the pool & going under water. There were some moments when Sawyer would be entertained & have fun, like when we would sing songs, but most of the time he wanted to climb up the ladder & jump off the edge; when I didn't let him do that, he threw huge fits!! The first night was the worst, he screamed and cried the entire time, Blake & I were both in the pool trying to control him. I was embarrassed & felt like a big parenting failure, especially because all of the other kids were perfect angels! Thankfully, Sawyer got  a little better as the week went on & the most all of the other kids had "bad nights" too ;)
Sawyer graduated!! Hopefully if we're welcomed back, next year will be better!
xoxo - the Barnett's

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