Sunday, September 23, 2012

10 Months

Sawyer Blake is 10 months old!!!
You are SUCH a busy boy! Here's what's been happening this past month...
- Still eating 8oz of formula every 4-5 hours
- You love to eat & love all food. You never turn anything away!
- New foods this month are cheese, mac -n- cheese, zucchini, & vegetable puffs
- You drink apple juice & water from your sippee cup
- Wearing some 9 month clothing still, but mostly 12 month size.
- You can say "I love you", "Nana", "Ma-Ma" & "Da-da"
- You get in to EVERYTHING!!
- The puppies' food & water has been put in hiding!
- You still love chasing the dogs around in your walker & laughing the entire time
- You've had 3 bumps/bruises on your head this month
- Starting to wave
- You think its funny when we call the hogs
- You make all sorts of silly noises with your mouth
- Still only 2 teeth on bottom & don't seem to be cutting any more right now
- You like to bang on things like a drum
- You whisper sometimes, which is SUPER sweet
- You'll give kisses occasionally, you are very stingy with them for the most part
- You went on your first vacation to the beach & 2 very long car rides
- You are hearing the word "NO" a whole lot, hopefully you'll figure out what it means ;)
- You can fight sleep like no other!!! It is very, very frustrating!
- You like to hang your head upside down
- You have started squatting and sitting on your knees when you play
 - Your giggle is the sweetest sound on Earth
We love you so, so much Bubs! I can't believe in just 2 months we will be celebrating your first birthday!!
 xoxo - the Barnett's

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