Thursday, June 21, 2012

7 months

Sawyer Blake is 7 months old!
-Wearing size 2 diapers
-Size 6-9 month clothes
-Eating a bottle every 4 hours except at night, you sleep from about 9pm-7am
-I'm still making your baby food, although I haven't been on top of my game lately introducing new foods. I think the only new things this month have been white potatoes, squash & pear. You are not sure about the little strawberry flavored stars or Baby Mum Mum's for snacks but you love french fries!
-You are sitting up by yourself, unsupported. You can't quite get up to sitting position on your own yet though.
-You are still rolling all around.
-Just over the past week, you have started getting up on all fours! I have a feeling that in next months post I'll be reporting that you are actually crawling.
-You have been a little more clingy with mommy this month (I don't mind at all!)
-You are so, so silly! You will laugh & grin at just about anybody that talks to you but you do some serious giggling when MiMi & Nana talk to you!
- I still think you are a spitting image of daddy, but several people lately have said they think you look a little like me!
-Your hair is oh so precious! Thin, fine & blonde :)
-You fighting sleep is probably THE most stressful thing ever! Once you're out though, you're out. You have slept all night, every night in your crib this month. However, you still like sleeping face down which causes mommy to have severe anxiety!
-You have started waving your hands & fingers at us when you want picked up.
-Daddy raised your walker up to the highest level & you are still zooming all over the house!
-You love to get kisses...
...and give kisses...
-You fell off mommy & daddy's bed this month :(  I wanted to die when it happened! It knocked the breath out of you & scared you, but thankfully you were not hurt at all.
-We read you books most everynight before bed. The 3 we read are: I Love You More, Llama Llama Nighty Night, & The Barnyard Dance -this is your fave because daddy is SO SO silly when he reads it to you!
-Still no teeth & no real signs of teething other than drooling & wanting to put everything in your mouth still.
-You're able to sit up in the big boy high chair when we go out to eat. You play with your toys on the table & eat haven't acted up so badly in public that we've had to leave anywhere - YET! Ha!
Sawyer boy -  Daddy & I love you so very much! Seeing your sweet smile every morning makes my heart SO, SO happy.
xoxo - the Barnett's

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