Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 months

Can you believe it?!?! I can't. My sweet boy is 6 months old!! This means 2 things: 1) Time is passing entirely too fast, and 2) I only have 6 more months to plan his first birthday extravaganza!  Sawyer was very interested in his sticker this month, but I think these are my favorite pics so far. He is such a funny kid & I think all of his silliness was captured!
Stats @ your 6 month check-up:
weight - 16.8lbs
length - 26 inches
head circumference - 17 inches
According to Dr. B, you are growing perfectly. You are still in the same percentiles on height & weight.
You are wearing size 2 diapers, we still prefer Pampers but used up all the diapers we had rec'd as gifts.
6-9 month clothes fit best, but you can actually fit into some 3 month onesies we still have...they just show off your muscles :)
Still eating an 8oz bottle every 4 hours, rice cereal with applesauce in the morning & a vegetable for dinner. We make all of your baby food.
You're able to hold your bottle for the most part. We started using a stage 3 nipple last week.
You are rolling back to belly & belly to back with ease! You have not shown any signs of crawling yet, but you can pretty much get what you want & where you want by rolling & scooting.
If you're not on the floor rolling around, you're in your can really get around on the tile floor in that! It is so funny to watch!
You are able to sit up for a few seconds on your own, but lose balance quickly. I don't think it will be much longer though before you master that milestone!
Still no teeth...but there IS still lots of drool & EV-ER-Y thing goes in your mouth.
You like to play with your feet....and those precious toes goes straight to the mouth too of course.
Your laughter is the best sound in the world. You are such a happy baby.
MiMi calls you the "smiley kid" :)
You like to ride in the stroller on walks or when we go almost always fall asleep.
Since you are a master roller, I wake up to find you sleeping on your belly, face down. I
You take a passi, but usually only when you're going to sleep.
You are getting so much more hair & it is so blond!
"Mom, you can't fool me"
"This toy will not keep me distracted"
"Give me your camera"
"This shoot is over"
"Just kidding Mom!"

Sawyer Blake - I wish I could freeze time because you are at such a fun age! You are such a hilarious, happy, sweet, sweet baby! Mommy, Daddy, Izzy & T-bag LOVE you SO SO much!!

xoxo - the Barnett's

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